World News
John Quincy Adams famously warned against the US going abroad in search of “monsters to destroy,” but while claiming to destroy monsters, the regime...
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Some secessionists are talking about redrawing the Illinois-Indiana border. The fact that politicians so vehemently oppose this suggests it’s a good idea.
John Quincy Adams famously warned against the US going abroad in search of “monsters to destroy,” but while claiming to destroy monsters, the regime...
Territorial expansion allowed the federal government to directly rule its many new federal citizens without any state government as intermediary.
Lincoln was a crony capitalist on economic policy, advocating protectionist tariffs, corporate welfare for railroad corporations, and a government-run central bank to pay for...
Lincoln was a crony capitalist on economic policy, advocating protectionist tariffs, corporate welfare for railroad corporations, and a government-run central bank to pay for...