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World News

If the government really believed you would be better off and more prosperous with their policies, they would encourage free speech because everyone would...

World News

Banking systems around the world have huge effects on our lives, yet few people understand how banks work. Worse yet, even fewer understand the...

World News

It may not have been manufactured in the lab of a mad scientist, but the euro is still a manufactured, cobbled-together currency made from...

World News

A recurring myth among progressives is that the state can enforce “fairness.” However, given that government cannot even effectively define fairness, one doubts that...

World News

David Gordon reviews J.W. Rich’s new book, Praxeological Ethics: An Inquiry into the Nature and Foundation of Ethics and finds much to like about...

World News

By appealing to tariffs and other forms of economic regulation, Republicans have tossed aside any commitment to free market economics. Unfortunately, their program will...

World News

Taxing “the rich” won’t make life more affordable for ordinary people. The true cause of the affordability crisis is inflation caused by central banks.