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Why don’t Austrian economists talk about trends?

World News

Why don’t Austrian economists talk about trends?

World News

President-Elect Trump has been threatening tariffs against BRICS countries unless they abandon their plans to abandon the US dollar. While Trump may come off...

World News

Perhaps John Maynard Keynes’ best con job was convincing people that a growing economy needs inflation, lots of inflation. As David Gordon points out,...

World News

Gen. William T. Sherman‘s infamous “March to the Sea” is covered almost antiseptically in American history texts. Yet, Sherman‘s actions would have been judged...

World News

Gen. William T. Sherman‘s infamous “March to the Sea” is covered almost antiseptically in American history texts. Yet, Sherman‘s actions would have been judged...

World News

Beef prices are rising again because of government intervention in the monetary system and in regulation of the beef industry. As American beef consumption...

World News

Even if this administration’s heart is in the right place, do we really want another multi-billion-to-trillion-dollar fund to handle people’s savings?

World News

Mainstream economists and the media “warn” us about the dangers of “income inequality.” But is income inequality really an economic and social problem, or...